Laravel Artisan Commands

laravel artisan commands
In Laravel Framework Artisan is a command- line interface. Artisan helps in fast and easy web development. Many commands create with artisan command-line interface for example :-
Artisan command for run project : –
                      php artisan serve
Artisan command for change port 8000 to 80001 : –
            php artisan serve --host --port 81


Artisan command for create project : –
    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel projectName
Artisan command for create controller : –
          php artisan make:controller ControllerName
Artisan command for create model : –
            php artisan make:model ModelName
Artisan command for create migration : –
          php artisan make:migration migrationName 
Artisan command for create model with migration : –
          php artisan make:model ModelName -m 
Artisan command for add extra column in existing migration : –
          php artisan make:migration NewMigrationName --table ExistingMigrationNameModelName -m 
Artisan command for create Auth ui package : –
                php artisan ui vue --auth 
Artisan command for create seeder and run seeder: –
                php artisan make:seeder SeederName
php artisan db:seed SeederName
Artisan command for create mail: –
                php artisan make:mail MailName
Artisan command for create command: –
                php artisan make:command CommandName

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