Routes in Laravel – With example

routes laravel

What is Routing Routing is the one  of the main concept of laravel. Route is a way of create URL for your application.  Routes is the web URL of your application #Default route of laravel application:-     <?php     use IlluminateHttpRequest;     use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute;     /*     |————————————————————————–    

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Create Empty Object In Laravel

create blank object

#Many of ways is to create a blank object in laravel. When a value or object is empty then set blank or empty object in your output. #Type 1 :- $object = (object)array(); Output:- “object”: {} #Type 2 $object = (object)[]; Output:- “object”: {} #Type 3 :- $object = json_decode(‘{}’); Output:- “object”: {} #Type 4

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