What is Laravel Framework? Top Features

Before going to Laravel Framework, you should also know about PHP because Laravel Framework is a part of PHP itself. PHP is a server-side scripting programming language that is old or used to build a website. The PHP is run on the web server with the help of an interpreter. When the page is in request, the interpreter parses the code and executes it.
Laravel is a PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell in the PHP language. Laravel Framework provides easy-of-use and faster development for building PHP websites. There are many pre-built packages in Laravel that make website development easier and it is very easy to install them and use them after that.
Laravel is easy to learn. Laravel provides many powerful tools for developers of all levels. Laravel Framework provides securities features like user authentication, email verification, hashing, and password reset feature. Laravel Framework follows Model- View-controller design pattern So that the more structured web application.
top Laravel features

Top Features Of Laravel Framework : -

1. MVC(Model View Controller) Pattern : – Laravel framework builds the application in model-view-controller pattern so that the structure of the application is made properly.

  • M represents the model. A model which is used to read, insert, update the data in the table and interact with the database.
  • V is representing the View. The view is used for HTML which is displayed to the user.
  • C is representing the Controller. A controller is used for handling the behavior of requests coming from the routes.

2. Authentication :user authentication in a web application is an important step. Laravel framework provides in-built authentication. It’s Fast and Easy for Developers to Do User Authentication.

3. Template Engine : Laravel Framework uses the Blade Template Engine for designing the layout. HTML base design and theme view are done in the template engine.

4. Routing : –In routing, the request URL of the web application is defined and handles HTTP requests.

5. Migration : –Migration is a feature of Laravel FrameWork that creates tables in the database.migration allows easily recreating and modifying the database and it doesn’t require running any SQL query.

6. Libraries/Package : –Laravel framework has in-build packages which make it easy for developers to develop a website and is easy to install and use. The authentication package is one of the most popular packages of Laravel Framework which has user authentication, password reset, and many more features.

7. Artisan Command : –Laravel Framework has an Artisan command line interface. It provides many commands for your use when developing a website.

8. Composer : –Composer is a dependencies manager and tool that includes all dependencies and libraries. Composer helps to client create a well-specified application.

9. Database Seeding : – database seeder provides the ability to seed data into a database using seeder classes. Seeder helped to set default data in the table and also create testing data.

10. Object-Relational-Mapping(ORM) : –ORM represents the database tables and classes.ORM is the pattern on active records.ORM provides many features in applications like SoftDeleting, multiple database handling, model events, and more.

All the features mentioned in the article are the most important features of Laravel. With all the features it becomes very easy to create an application. That’s why laravel framework is used.

Starter Kits in Laravel Framework:-

There are many free kits in Laravel Framework so that users can start the application quickly. Laravel starter kit users can start the application very quickly, it has lots of features that save users time. These kits provide Bootstrap UI styling and a responsive look.
Startter Kits:-
  1.   Laravel Breeze
  2.   Laravel Jetstream

Laravel Starter Kits Features: –

  1.   Built-in Authentication feature
  2.   Default view layer
  3.   Mobile responsive
  4.   Multi-user authentication
  5.   Additional Frontend stacks
  6.   Robust features
  7.   Session management
  8.   API support
  9.   Publish views, routes, controllers,
  10.   migrations (database)
  11.   Bootstrap UI Feature

Why Laravel Is Used For Application Development?

  • Laravel is a PHP framework and PHP is the oldest and most popular language for web development.
  • Laravel is a PHP framework and Laravel is a progressive framework that allows us to build a modern website. Laravel provides a lot of tools that make it easy to build an application. Laravel framework is scalable and provides fast support.
  • Laravel has many packages which make it very easy to develop applications. There are free kits used in Laravel which help in building the application quickly.